(Book review) Land of Silence

This is now on my “to read” list! Check out this review by a friend of mine.

Evangelical Church Library Association

Reviewed by: Elizabeth Hartmann, a professional writing major at Taylor University


TitleLand of Silence

Author: Tessa Afshar

Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

Publication Date: May 2016

Format: Print book

Length: 390 pages


    Ever since her brother died because of her thoughtlessness, Elianna, the daughter of a merchant in ancient Jerusalem, yearns for forgiveness and healing. When her father refuses to forgive her, she tries to work for her restoration by overseeing her father’s textile business. Years pass, but guilt gnaws at her. Because of her fears, she puts off her marriage to her beloved, leaving her need for forgiveness further out of reach. Although she finds relief from her troubles by producing creative and innovative garments, her success not only attracts a new clientele, but also the unwanted interests of a Roman commander.

Unfortunately, an unwanted kiss destroys her future. She chooses to…

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Prayer for the nation-Day 18

Spiritual Reflections of a Growing Disciple & Willing Servant of Christ

Day 18:

But Rehoboam rejected the advice the elders gave him and consulted the young men who had grown up with him and were serving him (1 Kings 12:8)

Today, pray for wisdom for rulers to make wise, not stupid choices and do the right thing. Rehoboam had a chance to do the right thing and listen to the wise counsel from those in his father’s administration.  Instead, he listened to the logic of his peers and flushed the great kingdom that his grandfather and father worked so hard to build up down the toilet, hanging on to just 2 tribes  out of 12.

Likewise, David let sin get him first into adultery, then into murder, leading to civil strife for the rest of his days. Solomon disobeyed God and took too many wives, leading God to divide Israel after his death (yes, Rehoboam’s outcome was somewhat predestined, but Rehoboam…

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Hello, my name is Anneliese Ferg and this is my first attempt at blogging. Through this blog and my writing, I desire to glorify my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and point others to his saving grace.  For anything that is good in me comes from his hand, and it is my desire to pass that gift on to others.

Soli Deo Gloria!
